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Jul 21, 2020 by Admin

Online learning has evolved as the new 'standard' for more than 300 million students in a world plagued by a coronavirus. While online courses are the best option today for crisis management, it's also a glimpse of what the future will appear as. Finally, the new standard is a much underused 'supplementary' alternative, as schools and institutions of higher education are rapidly transitioning to this style. ....Read More

Introduction to BBA and its importance

Jul 08, 2020 by Admin

Introduction to BBA and its importance In this competitive era, setting up a new business or running the existing one is not an easy task. With the passing time and the evolution of new technologies, competition among businesses is at a high level. To meet the challenges and stay tuned with every day changing technologies, pursuing a degree course in ....Read More

Is BCA a good course after higher secondary

Jun 26, 2020 by Admin

Is BCA a good course after higher secondary ? Bachelor's in Computer Application (BCA) is a computer applications undergraduate degree. With the IT industry's exponential rise in India, computer professionals' requirement is rising day by day. The rising IT sector has generated many prospects for computer students. BCA is one of the most common programs amongst candidates wishing to pursue their IT (Information Technology) careers. The course length is 3 years, and is separated into 6 semesters. It includes subjects such as the database, networking, data....Read More

Why PGDM over MBA?

Jun 19, 2020 by Admin

Top 10 reasons you need to know why corporates prefer industry led PGDM over degree-based MBA. For Management candidates, after being sure of doing a Management Masters, choosing between MBA & PGDM is the one issue that confuses them. Which is the better option? Which one to choose going ahead for a solid career? The list of doubts is never ending. The boundaries look unclear for a while and there seems to be barely any difference besides the name of the two. Attitudes have become different, though, and so have circumstances. It has come down to the abilities set by the candidate these days, rather than only the degree. Moreover, more than 300....Read More

Possible Career Options If You Have A M.Sc. Computer Science Degree

Jun 12, 2020 by Admin

Whether you have just completed a CS degree or are taking into consideration a change of career, there are plenty of opportunities in the field of computer science — about one million possibilities. In fact, by 2020, more than 50 percent of science, technology, engineering, and math jobs are expected to be in a CS-related field. This suggests that people with the right qualifications, expertise, and experience may see as many as 1.4 million computer science-related job opportunities. Whereas some entrance-level computer science jobs do not demand a Postgraduate degree, the latest statistics indicate that the advant....Read More

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