Jul 21, 2020 by Admin

Online learning has evolved as the new 'standard' for more than 300 million students in a world plagued by a coronavirus. While online courses are the best option today for crisis management, it's also a glimpse of what the future will appear as. Finally, the new standard is a much underused 'supplementary' alternative, as schools and institutions of higher education are rapidly transitioning to this style.

  For the coming years, schooling may maybe be seen as Pre Covid and Post Covid. Nonetheless, the argument prevailed that a student had to be in the actual world with a teacher, professor or faculty to get personal consideration for a real education. Online courses would be something to do part-time to create a stronger curriculum vitae or contribute to the education already obtained.

The status quo has now practically gone down the drain, as online learning has become the standard now that colleges and universities are trying to guarantee that student education does not fail in a shutdown phase that may last for weeks or more. Online smart classes are the future of education in India. 

This means that teachers and college management are willing to fix some of the problems that online learning has faced for many years – for example, lack of interactivity, scheduling and positioning lessons, mentoring and encouragement, and absence of a classroom atmosphere.

Teachers and administrators around the globe have had to think really hard about how to deal with some of these concerns when a sustained period of distance courses needs to keep them engaged and ready to come to class, given the lack of socialization that has long been seen as important for all classes.

Because online learning is much more complicated for artistic and practical courses, administrators have had to reconsider several inputs to ensure that students obtain the resources they need during this critical time. Online colleges and universities may find it trickier than schools as most of their material does not come from fixed sources.

Future of learning

Ironically, the digital world provides new opportunities to 600,000 Indian students who head out for secondary education overseas every year. Online education is a huge relief, with lockdowns across countries. The question thus arises, Is online learning the future of education?  Online education is expected to increase to $1.96 billion by 2021 from $247 million in 2016.  

It is approximated that online education users will grow to by the end of 2021 to 9.6 million. Indians are the second-largest users on Massive Open Online Courses ( MOOCs), by the way. India has roughly 3.5 million university education students and about 900 universities to meet this need.

 We 're going to have about 14 million pupils by 2030, which is going to be four times more demand. To achieve this, India requires the number of universities, colleges and teachers four times more than it has currently. Similarly, India fears a possible shortage of 250 million qualified workers spanning sectors by 2022 (report by EY / FICCI). Demand would bring enormous growth in online education. The future is online. 

New challenges

Although institutes are struggling with the latest virtual transformation, it has been a smooth transition for some. Several institutes gave software integration value, and stayed ahead of time. Online education is effective in imparting many of the lessons that exclude those needing practical learning. More so for science and engineering students who need appropriate lab classes.

Digital teaching and learning requires not only sophisticated technology incorporation and comprehension but also using the right methods for teaching and evaluation. This ensures that educators need to be informed and well-adapted with their online resources. Technically equipped teachers are the future of online education in India.

In the present situation where partnerships, if of essence, will be crucial to the development of simple but effective innovations, making this shift more convenient. It is important to invest in the appropriate technologies, to shape online syllabuses and teaching methods.

Tech-savvy generation

New-age pupils are a wealth of motivation and curiosity. Their laptops and cell phones are hands-on. And it's a smooth online transfer for learners. In addition to live online classes, softwares such as Blackboard, Zoom meetings and Skype call allow daily contact with the instructors. Technological awareness of students is one of the advantages of online learning. 

The teaching staff has surfaced as a sufficiently proactive bunch, which never wasted time learning new technologies to help educate the students and teach lessons online at any time. The educators as well as the learners have taken the opportunity to learn at their speed and rate at any speed.

That new platform has been well accepted by students. Video calling is not a big issue for the present generation and many have already adopted it to make sure they can chat and see their friends from around the country and around the world. 

Logging in to a program is now an example of this and, unlike college or school with set scheduling, these lectures can be more versatile when arranged, as both students and teachers need to guarantee that their domestic tasks are also taken care of.

This combined with a decreased classroom time directive (no one wants to look at monitors for 6 hours a day) indicates that learners can bring value and feedback to their lessons for a shorter amount of time that will not allow the class to push that sometimes tends to happen with university standards in terms of class hours and credits.

The online sites provide for private chatting. If participants are unable to approach the interaction as a class-which would entail a certain degree of speaking to each other, then the aim will be defeated, but there is also the choice to get their focus or get them back to a level that could be re-explained or further clarity required.

Benefits of Online Learning

The attribute of the feared attendance is now something which can calm. Too long have several colleges in India been working on an ideal which is not always practical. In the online room, lectures, conversations, questions about clearing sessions can all be registered and posted so if a student was unavailable to meet the class timing (busy with housework and supporting parents in challenging times) or their network was unreliable and stopped them from attending, they can rewatch the lecture at a more convenient time and then attend the next lesson with all the insights intact.

Besides, they will probably have one on one with the teachers to help clarify any questions after seeing the lecture. The faculty has also allocated 'working hours' where they will be prepared to address students' queries and inquiries, as well as to participate in reviews, discussions, etc., so that students know that they can contact them during this time and obtain answers relatively quickly.

This is definitely not a flawless situation. Students who are disinterested or who wish to stay incognito effectively may simply mute their microphones or turn off their video, particularly in large groups. Most colleges have ruled that videos must be on, but there is an simple way out for that in a country like India where the connectivity is sketchy. There are several questions about privacy as well

Because of its ease of use, Zoom has become a trend with so many schools switching to that platform however, unless strict security measures are applied, it may leave those classes vulnerable to the odd fool wanting something to do. However, the positives currently surpass the drawbacks because the app brings together the internet's tremendous advantages – interactivity, knowledge, and real-time involvement in a way that ensures that although we are all divided, education and learning will proceed to be given the focus it requires in these trying moments.


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