Jun 12, 2020 by Admin

Whether you have just completed a CS degree or are taking into consideration a change of career, there are plenty of opportunities in the field of computer science — about one million possibilities. In fact, by 2020, more than 50 percent of science, technology, engineering, and math jobs are expected to be in a CS-related field. This suggests that people with the right qualifications, expertise, and experience may see as many as 1.4 million computer science-related job opportunities.

Whereas some entrance-level computer science jobs do not demand a Postgraduate degree, the latest statistics indicate that the advantages are being seen by professionals in the domain who have decided to return to school. Computer science graduates are predicted to be among the highest earners of the more profitable master's degrees, besting engineering, business, math, and science.

Computer Science as a discipline includes a wide variety of professions, work descriptions, and commitments. That implies there are plenty of career options to choose from entry points. The computer scientists' job falls into four sections, as per the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM):

  1. Plan, develop and execute applications
  2. Create efficient solutions to computational problems
  3. Find new ways of using computers
  4. Organizational technology infrastructures are planned and managed

The first phase of working in computer science is to define a career path that attracts you. After this, you will be able to decide what expertise you need to get a position as a software developer, computer programmer, database administrator, or any other position. To aid you to get started, here are five common career paths you can take in computer science:

Database Administrator

What is an Administrator of the database?

The database administrators (DBA) are accountable for organizing, constructing, and creating software for the directory. DBAs also deal with the protection and availability of data. For database administrators, the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) includes the following activities:

  1. Testing applications or datasets, correct mistakes and make any relevant changes
  2. Schedule, organize and execute safety measures to protect relevant data from accidental or improper damage, adjustment or full transparency in computer files;
  3. Alter established databases and database governance mechanisms, or direct software developers and analysts
  4. Specify the clients and accessibility rates for each database section
  5. Write and script illustrations of physical and logical databases and define database identifications for the management platform or guide others to the illustrations.

Computer and Information Research Scientist

What is a computer scientist?

A computer and data technology scientist, also identified as a computer scientist, designs solutions for complex issues in business, science, medicine, and other software problems. Computer scientists are creators, artists, and theoreticians.

O*NET summarizes some of the top computer scientist tasks:

  1. Assess issues involving computer equipment and software to create remedies.
  2. Delegate or plan projects to fulfill goals and objectives for the job.
  3. Review project strategies and ideas to determine feasibility problems.
  4. Apply conceptual expert knowledge and innovative thinking for the creation or application of new technologies, such as the adaptation of computer precepts to novel approaches.
  5. Communicate with users, managers, sellers, and engineers to identify computing requisites and software criteria.

Computer Systems Analyst

What is a computer systems analyst?

Computer technology developers, also called system designers, bring both business and IT to enable companies to function more accurately. They research how computer systems can be improved to better business functions and operational structure.

0*NET sums up some of the top analyst information systems activities:

  1. Evaluate, sustain and supervise computer programs systems, such as the coordination of computer programs and systems configuration;
  2. Troubleshoot programs and systems mishaps to re-establish standard function.
  3. Extend or change the program for new purposes or enhance the flow of work.
  4. Use the computer to analyze and solve business issues, such as developing integrated manufacturing and stock control systems, and financial analysis.
  5. Consult with managers to guarantee agreement on principles for the system.

Software Developer

What is a software developer?

Computer developers design, execute and change computer programs, and record them. There are two major roles within software development: 1) software developers that construct software for both the general community and industrial use, and 2) software developers who generate systems that keep computers working smoothly. The BLS initiatives which require software developers in the next ten years will be mainly for software developers.

O*NET lists the following application software developer tasks:

  1. Reconfigure established software to fix inaccuracies, adjust to the latest hardware, or boost efficiency.
  2. Analyze user demands and software requisites to assess time- and price-constraints for design suitability.
  3. Relay knowledge on project constraints and resources, performance specifications, and configurations with system administrators, developers, technicians, and others to develop the device.
  4. Store, retrieve, and recreate system capability and specification analytics data
  5. Creation, development, and modification of software systems, using scientific research and mathematical simulations to anticipate and calculate development outcomes and consequences.

Web Developer

What is a web developer?

Websites are designed and managed by a web developer. Precise duties of the job rely heavily on what type of web developer you are. Back-end web developers are accountable for the technological general design of a website when front-end developers are accountable for designing the interface and material of a website. Web developers can also serve as "webmasters" to ensure the sites are operating properly.

According to O*NET, the top web developer tasks include:

  1. Compose support code for websites or web applications.
  2. Design, construct or sustain websites, utilizing languages for authoring or scripting, content production tools, management tools, and electronic media.
  3. Back up documents to local directories from the website for immediate recovering in case something goes wrong
  4. Create, structure, or edit content on the webpage, or direct material generated by others.
  5. Choose the programming languages, software, or applications.

Career Scope & Job Prospects

In recent times, there are brilliant professional opportunities for science professionals or software specialists. With the launch of large software and IT enterprises in India, the employment opportunities for qualified professionals have increased significantly. India is regarded as a pioneer in the software and IT sectors.

Computer science professionals and MCA pass outs can see employment opportunities in academic circles, data analysis, industry, government, private business organizations, and so on in a plethora of circumstances.

They are actively engaged in the analysis of solutions for problems, constructing and evaluating, using sophisticated communications or multimedia facilities, or working in product development teams.

Computer science graduates are the main employees of software and IT firms. They give young graduates the best packages that are unparalleled with other fields of science.

Salary Package

In recent years there has been considerable advancement in the software industry that has opened the gates for budding computer engineers to better challenges. Computer scientists' salaries rely on the sort of employer-public or private.

Compared to the government departments, usually private companies offer excellent salaries. Technical knowledge, training, and skill are crucial factors in deciding the standard of pay.

In India, a fresh pass-out from an average engineering college can expect between Rs.8000-Rs.25,000 as a starting salary.

With 1-2 years of specialized training, the payment will go up to Rs. 50,000 per month or even more. Yearly pay packet of up to 10 lakh or more is provided for MCA pass outs from renowned universities/colleges.

Why Imperial?

If you are contemplating a future in Computer Sciences, there should not be many deterrents in your path. For the most part, it has a huge market which is growing exponentially every day. It is among the most lucrative paths to be chosen. No field can do without an IT department. If you are based in Odisha, Imperial College should be among your top picks. Not only is it reputed as a top degree college in Odisha, but it is also among the top 10 science colleges in Odisha. People from all over the country are tending to opt for Imperial College. Students from Chhattisgarh and Raigarh are seen to prefer Imperial College. Taking the MSc entrance exam might not be the easiest but it sure has its benefits. Especially for a college like Imperial. While most students are from in and around Bargarh, it is not uncommon to find students from other cities like Jharsugda and Sambalpur and even other states. Opting for B.Sc. or M.Sc. in a private college has its perks, one of which is a great placement cell. Imperial College, with its great infrastructure and value-system, is a no brainer when it comes to choosing from among the computer science colleges in Odisha.

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